📜 My blogs now powered by lb

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I wanted to add it sooner but better late than never ig.

before this I checked out ssg5 for brief moment but it didnt work out well.

finally, I'll be free from pain of manually edit all blogs from scratch.

If you dont know this site is manually handcrafted without any ssg and its lot of pain edit it

but this enables me to learn things too

Before this my blog writing workflow was like this:

  • writing the main blog file
  • adding its brief view in blogindex file
  • editing rss file

Now you get it why I took so long to add new blogs?

Now my new workflow with lb will be like this

  • opening terminal: `lb n`
  • writing main content with vim
  • and publishing with `lb p`

Thats it!

No need to manually edit all header tags and giving same elements over and over. The script will do the work for me all I need to do is focus on writing the main thing.

and the best part is that I have freedom to write my blog with html so unlimited possibility of design and customizing the blog

There is also some work needed to be done with script like makeing deleting entries work.

but I gotta work with what I got.

for now

Here is the shout out to luke smith's script:

lb by luke smith
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