Welcome to My Internet Tourism Diary
Here I collect Various Site Links I stumble upon daily wise on Various corners of internet.
- Learn Coding with game like experience - https://www.codedex.io/
- Table of Syscalls - https://x64.syscall.sh/
- Find Various sites for ctfs and hacking challenges - https://wechall.net
- Found CS 50 Course (no edx) - https://cs50.yale.edu/2023/fall/weeks/1/
- advent of code - https://adventofcode.com/
- vanilajs - http://vanilla-js.com/
- The ultimate resource in shell scripting - https://mywiki.wooledge.org/
- Appleās Surprisingly Salient Shell Scripting Synopsys - A guide for how to secure your shell scripts
- http status codes in cat language - https://http.cat/
- kittenās small web - https://kitten.small-web.org/
- a notepad for cat lovers - https://writtenkitten.co/
- cute cat cursors for browser [extension] - https://custom-cursor.com/en/editors-picks/purr
- Open Source Feedback Survey Project - https://app.formbricks.com/
- Old friendās blog for battery optimization: https://krolyxon.github.io/blog/auto-cpufreq-is-all-you-need/#installation-of-auto-cpufreq
- OCR my pdf - https://ocrmypdf.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html
- Nice interactive CTF way to Learn Linux Command Basics - https://pwn.college/linux-luminarium/
- New site for gli Telegram group - https://gnulinuxindia.sh/
- TUI for scanning wifi - https://github.com/Chleba/netscanner
- chmod calc - https://chmod-calculator.com/
- Bitstream Vera sans mono font - https://www.fontsquirrel.com/fonts/bitstream-vera-sans-mono
- Huh Charming TUI for cli forms- https://github.com/charmbracelet/huh
- Pipe, forks, Dups and I/O data flow - https://www.rozmichelle.com/pipes-forks-dups/
- Nice UI Personal Site - https://xtrm.me
- This website is great - https://www.postgresqltutorial.com/postgresql-getting-started/load-postgresql-sample-database/
- Postgres sample databse diagram pdf - https://www.postgresqltutorial.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/printable-postgresql-sample-database-diagram.pdf
- Installing Postgress - https://www.tecmint.com/install-postgresql-from-source-code-in-linux/
- A better prompt: https://ohmyposh.dev/
- zen config for oh-my-posh prompt - https://github.com/dreamsofautonomy/zen-omp
- zen config for zsh shell - https://github.com/dreamsofautonomy/zensh
- [Podcast] Indian Paranormal Researchers (PAIRS) going to visit the Conjuring House - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hx4BzNH-J7k
- Fantastic Go Learn Playlist - https://youtu.be/eSrr4YT24Y4?si=0ohAfE5BZQXLNfCs
- https://gobyexample.com/
- https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/fmt-package-in-golang/
- https://flaviocopes.pages.dev/books/
- https://bagerbach.com/
- http://thevalleyofcode.com
- eloquentjavascript - https://eloquentjavascript.net/index.html
- Learn Javascript yt video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W6NZfCO5SIk
- To be practice kubernetes and container stuff - killerkoda.com
- Add sliders in your webpage - https://ganlanyuan.github.io/tiny-slider/
A Website to learn about CPU - https://cpu.land/
[HackBack - A DIY Guide For Those Without The Patience To Wait For Whistleblowers](https://www.exploit-db.com/papers/41913]
- Learning bit about quartz: https://quartz.jzhao.xyz/hosting
- Basic Guide to personal web: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zswyWBtF-7Y
- Fantastic animated Portfolios - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oWKDTR6UvU4
- https://www.joshuas.world
- https://hamishw.com
- https://ryo-irago.com
- https://www.theycallmegiulio.com
- https://dustinbrett.com
- https://bryantcodes.art
- Learning svelte - https://learn.svelte.dev/tutorial/layouts